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Yelena Casale is an artist and an award-winning author

Finding and Capturing Beauty of the World

Yelena Casale's life revolves around art and creativity. She primarily paints watercolors, but also gouache, acrylics and oils. Mostly self-taught, she has an insatiable desire for learning and an ever-present curiosity.  She is also into photography, as she believe it's just another way for her to capture the beauty of the world.


Yelena is an award-winning author of urban fantasy and paranormal romance, and co-owns a publishing company City Owl Press.

Yelena was born in Kiev, Ukraine and moved to New York as a child. In addition to being an artist and an author, she is a 3rd degree black belt and instructor in Shotokan karate, an avid traveler and history enthusiast. She lives with her amazing, super supportive husband and the best Siamese cats. 

Like the samurai of the old, as well as the ultimate Renaissance man and Yelena’s favorite historical figure, Leonardo da Vinci, she believes that nothing is greater than mastery of oneself

National Watercolor Society
Romance Writers of America
World Karate Association 

2019  Light Space & Time Online Gallery 555 Special Exhibition Special Merit for Reaching For The Stars Watercolor painting
2019  Light Space & Time Online Gallery 555 Special Exhibition Special Merit for Reflection photo

2006  JSKA World Karate Championship Art Exhibition, NYC, USA
2012 JSKA World Karate Championship Art Exhibition, Cancun, Mexico
2019  Light Space & Time Online Gallery 555 Special Exhibition


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