5 Tips For Emerging Artists
Encourage Yourself And Seek Inspiration Everywhere
1. Keep Creating Art. Be Consistent. You want to keep practicing and build a strong portfolio of art that you can use for various purposes, whether to present to on-line or off-line galleries, share on social media and put on print-on-demand sites (if that’s what you want to do). It will also give you the confidence on the days that you may feel discouraged. Those days happen to any creative person, but it’s important to be able to get through them and not give up. Great things await!
2. Put Your Art Out There. Sharing your art will give you confidence and teach you many things. Do it in places you’re comfortable first. Join some Facebook groups and pages of interest to you. Share on Instagram or Twitter. Only ask for critique if that is what you want, unless it’s a group designed specifically for that. And don’t take the critique personally, just try to learn from it. Post on Pinterest. As you get more comfortable, start entering judged contests online, and presenting to on-line and off-line galleries.
3. Create a Website. It can be a simple website at first that you can easily manage. It should have information about you and you artwork. Make sure there’s an easy contact form and put links to your social media accounts in visible places. If you are selling your art in multiple places, list those as well. It may be good to start a blog where you share your art process, tips, etc. Let others get to know you and your art.
4. Immerse Yourself In A Positive World of Inspiration and Support. Follow other artists on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest and use your feed as a daily dose of inspiration and motivation. Do not make the mistake of comparing yourself to others, though. There is a lot of incredible talent out there. Looking at examples of that talent should keep you motivated to work hard and reach the goals you yourself set out.
5. Don’t Get Discouraged. Reaching any goal takes time and patience. Even the most creatives ones. Keep that in mind and don’t expect quick results. Like any other creative, you may love your art one day and hate it the next. Don’t let that make you give up. Trust the process and don’t forget to enjoy it!